
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Performance Monitoring Report

This report allows a user to monitor the performance by months of an MFI for a given/ selected year for different indicators like portfolio numbers, sizes and quality.

This portfolio Analysis report can be used to make a pair-wise comparison of months of the same year and analyze the trend or even same months of different years to study specific trends in the business.

How to view Performance Monitoring Report

To view the report on Performance Monitoring Report go to Loans/ Analysis Reports/Performance Monitoring Report. A screen like one below will appear:

The Performance Monitoring Report will give details of:

  • Registered individual clients, Membership and group formation Portfolio status (i.e. disbursements, repayments, arrears and defaults, repayment rates, fully repaid loans, portfolio outstanding, risk analysis), Savings Mobilization (i.e. savings status).
  • To get to this screen, go to Menu Loans/Portfolio Reports/Group Members Portfolio Reports/Performance Monitoring Report. You will get a screen that looks as follows;


    Click the Ok button to generate the report that will look like one below:


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